The Monterey Bay ACA Intergroup fosters and supports the growth and success of ACA in our service area. We attract and sustain the involvement of members of the ACA fellowship in service work. We do this through cooperative communication, by applying ACA’s Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts of Service, and functioning within the Intergroup’s Charter.
Monterey Bay ACA Intergroup is committed to being directly responsible to those we serve: ACA groups in our area and adult children who still suffer. We can do this in Hospitals and Institutions, Local Outreach, Online Presence, Public Information, distribution of ACA literature, local events and fundraisers, and helping to start new ACA meetings in the area. Intergroup meetings are open to all ACA members.
Upcoming Events

Step Study in-person Los Gatos starts Feb. 18

Public Outreach Flyer for Printing - English language

Public Outreach Flyer for Printing -- Spanish language

General: [email protected]
Literature: [email protected]
Website Committee: [email protected]
Workshop Coordinator: [email protected]
Retreat Committee: mbacaretreat831@gmail.com
